Zattoo no longer supports HLSv5* on Apple devices.
If you get the message App Update required when starting to stream, you are using an outdated Zattoo app version. If available, please update to the app version 3.2305.0 in your App Store.
If no update is available:
The software version of your iPhone or iPad is outdated and therefore not compatible with our app. In this case, please click here for an overview of all currently supported devices.
*HLS explained:
HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) is a streaming format that was developed by Apple as part of QuickTime, Safari, OS X and iOS software. Throughout the years, HLS specifications have been updated. All recent devices require version 7 and later. As this version is also the minimum requirement for Zattoo, the support for HLS version 5 is terminated.
If you have any further questions, please contact us using the contact form.
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