If you are having trouble with the Zattoo app on your Android TV device, then please follow these steps in order to solve your current issue.
1. Delete the Zattoo app and perform a new installation:
- Open the Google Play Store.
- Go to "Settings" -> "My Apps". There you will find a list with all currently installed apps in your Android TV.
- Select the Zattoo App with your TV remote control.
- In the new window, select the option "Uninstall app".
- Confirm the following prompt with "Yes" and the Zattoo app is going to be uninstalled afterwards.
2. Update the firmware on your Android TV:
For the best experience on your Android TV, we recommend to always make sure to have the latest firmware / Android TV version installed. The latest firmware and Android TV software-updates in general enhances the overall performance of your device and often fixes minor bugs / errors.
The update procedure may vary from device to device, but often can be done via "Settings" -> "System" -> "Software updates"
3. Try a LAN-connection instead of a WiFi.
Apps are usually working the best with a stable internet connection. For a stable connection, especially on big screen devices like Smart TV, Apple TV or Amazon Fire TV, we recommend to connect your device via cable (LAN) with your internet. WiFi-connections can often be limited from several sources which are not recognizable at first sight and are more vulnerable in general.
Advice: Users who do not have access to an installed LAN-cable at home, can alternatively use a PowerLAN-adapter via the power outlet.
4. Reset your device to factory settings.
Please follow the instruction manual or FAQ article from the respective manufacturers support site in order to perform a reset to factory settings.
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