If you have issues when you try to sign in or you forgot your password, use these steps to reset it and regain access to your account.
This is how to reset your password:
- Log out, in case you are still logged in.
- Go to Forgot Password or click here and enter your email address. Please pay attention to the correct spelling and avoid superfluous characters such as spaces before or after the e-mail address.
- Check your Inbox and spam folder and open the email Reset your password Zattoo.
- Click on the link recover password.
- Create a new password.
Use your new password for all future logins.
You did not receive the email to reset your password Zattoo? Please check the email address you entered for correct spelling, avoid space before and after the email and make sure that it is the email address you are registered with.
For all GMAIL users: Our system distinguishes between @gmail.com and @googlemail.com. Therefore, use exactly the email you are registered with.
Please contact us in case you have any further questions: Contact.
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