If you are experiencing any issues with your Zattoo app on your Apple TV HD or 4K, please go through the following steps in order to get troubleshooting help. Try the next solution, if the issue remains:
1. Restart you Apple TV:
- Settings > System > Restart
2. Update Zattoo App, if available:
- AppStore > Updates
3. Update the Software on your Apple TV:
- Navigate to Settings > System > Software Updates > Update Software. If an update is available, please install it. You can find further information here.
4. Delete the Zattoo app and reinstall it on your device:
- Select Zattoo and press longer on Touch surface.
- Press Play/Pause for options.
- Delete the app.
- Restart your Apple TV and reinstall the app.
- You can find further information here.
5. Reset the Apple TV to default settings:
- Navigate to Settings > System > Reset
6. Check your WLAN-connection.
The app will only work without any problems, if your internet connection is constantly stable. We suggest a LAN-connection (cable connection) in order to insure a stable broadcast especially onto big screens such as Smart TV, Nvidia Shield, Apple TV or Amazon Fire TV. WLAN (wireless connection) can be affected by a variety, sometimes not clearly visible factors and is more susceptable to errors than a cable connection(for details see below).
Please note: users who don't have available cables in their apartment, have the possibility to use a LAN connection through the electricity plug (for example: Powerline Adapter from Devolo or Fritz). Here you can find a comparison of Powerline adapters.
In case that these steps don't solve the issue, please contact us via our contact sheet. Please provide us with the following information:
- Generation of Apple TV
- Zattoo app version
- tvOS version
- Your Zattoo email address
- Detailed error description with steps to reproduce the error
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