In order to fix an issue in the Zattoo app on your Android smartphone / tablet, please go through the following steps in order to get troubleshooting help. Please go through these steps one by one and try the next one if the issue remains.
The latest Zattoo version requires Android 7 and higher. Older versions are no longer supported and issues cannot be fixed.
1. Close and restart app.
2. Clear app cache and data to end all processes related to the app:
- Head to the Settings.
- Tap Apps.
- Tap Zattoo TV.
- Tap Force Stop.
- Tap Storage > Clear data/cache.
- Tap Cache > Clear cache
3. Reinstall the Zattoo app:
- Uninstall the App: Settings > Apps > Zattoo TV > Uninstall
- Restart your device.
- Download App: Play Store > Zattoo TV.
4. Check and optimise your network connection:
For helpful tips, click here.
5. Set Bitrate to low:
- Go to Settings in your Zattoo App.
- Default bitrate settings for mobile/WiFi > low
- Close app completely (not just push it into the background) and start it again.
6. Update software on your device, if available.
7. Make sure you use no proxy or VPN on your device. If Zattoo cannot identify your IP-address, the service will be blocked.
8. Deactivate adblocker on your device.
If you still need help as the issue is not being fixed, please contact our support here and send us the following information:
- Zattoo app version
- Android version
- Device model
- Zattoo email address
- Description of the exact steps you carried out when the problem occurred. This helps us to identify the problem and to help you as fast as possible
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