With Zattoo Free you can stream a maximum of 30 hours (Germany) / 10 hours (Switzerland) per month on TV devices. As soon as the streaming credit is used up, you will receive an error message that your free streaming credit has been used up.
Limit applies to Zattoo Free only
With Zattoo Premium or Ultimate you can watch TV on any device for an unlimited time. An upgrade is possible at any time, for example here: Zattoo Shop.
30/10-hour limit on Big Screen only
The monthly 30/10-hours-limit applies to streaming on televisions with a Zattoo App. This includes all big screen apps on Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Samsung Smart TV and Xbox One. On your mobile devices as well as on your computer, you can use Zattoo Free unlimited without any budget restrictions.
You paid your subscription and still get this message?
Please check the email address with which you are logged into the Zattoo App on your TV. Premium and Ultimate subscribers do not receive this message. Therefore, you are most likely logged in with a Zattoo Free account. Please log in again with your Premium or Ultimate email address. If you need help, please contact our support here.
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