In the Windows App, you can record individual shows or use series recording. You can record live, future and replay shows either from the Guide or directly from the player.
The show will be available in your recording list once it has been recorded. You can access your synchronised recording list from any of your devices logged into your Zattoo account.
Recordings are recorded with a certain padding time added to the original airing timeslot before beginning and after the end.
Record from the Guide:
- Select 3-Points-Icon > Record / Record series / Record episode.
Record from program details:
- Select program from Guide to open program details > Record / Record series / Record episode.
Record from the player:
- Click on + to Record / Record episode / Record series.
Recording list:
Via the menu option Recordings, you access your playlist. Your recordings are sorted by sections. The option Sort & Filter helps you sort your playlist within the selected section by alphabet, date, channel and genre.
This is how to delete recordings:
- Go to Recordings.
- Select Edit.
- Select the recordings to be deleted.
- Go to Remove.
This is how to delete single episodes or series recording:
- Go to Recordings.
- Go to Series.
- Select the series for which you want to cancel series recording.
- There are two options to cancel series recording: Deactivate series recording via on/off switch or via the 3-points icon.
- Via the 3-Points icon, single episodes can be deleted.
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