Using Zattoo
General topics
- One account for all devices
- One subscription for all devices
- Using Zattoo on several devices
- Using Zattoo abroad
- Internet requirements
- Minimum requirements for using Zattoo
Zattoo Free
Zattoo Smart HD
Zattoo Premium
Zattoo Ultimate
Zattoo Plus
Zattoo Home
Zattoo & Countries
- In which countries is Zattoo available?
- Using Zattoo abroad
- Streaming with Zattoo Smart HD, Premium and Ultimate Germany in EU-countries
- Streaming with Zattoo Premium / Ultimate Austria in EU-countries
- Streaming abroad with Premium and Ultimate Switzerland
- Service Region / country of use
Replay, Restart and Live Pause
- Replay in Germany
- Replay in Switzerland
- Replay in Austria
- Where can I use Zattoo Replay?
- Replay does not work in my account (Switzerland)
- Live Pause in Germany
- RTL channels temporarily available in HD only
- Audio channels and subtitles
- Radio stations at Zattoo
- Missing channel in Zattoo TV offer
- Blackout of program
- How to change the order of channels
- Recordings in Germany
- Recordings in Austria
- Worldwide access to recordings for Swiss Premium and Ultimate users
- Download recordings
- Restore recordings
- Add and schedule recordings